Wrtings and Colleagues
visions of rememberance . .
" Across there... these beautiful princess islands...almost everyday i journeyed to them while biting my juicy sweet peach which was dripping all over my fingers and my eyes close to my mind were distancing themselves in that horizon beyond these islands...- Once one learns swimming in those shores, one goes on -it is not a swimming back and forth-it is swimming continuously till you reached the first...the second ... the third...the forth in the longing sea of Marmara. One day it just happened that i crossed the ocean.. the big calling ocean named Atlantic...the gigantic waves gulped my islands and i lost my peach no more biting of that sweet juicy peach...the gluey wetness.. the sweet taste of it along with my magical islands sank in the depth of my soul and it rushes to my rescue whenever my breath is caged.
Thanks to my third eye i see myself swimming to my islands...this recovered sensation pinches me so...i begin to see new magical shores to arrive.... A voice.. an expression in the eye.. a sound of wave...the smell of the sea...a breeze...flock of birds...evokes moments of life. The endless remembrance of a golden childhood or is it the pain... the pain that lingers me to the visions of the past-the sacrificial past to the present- lives merging into the future--the language is the dilemma -the forgotten voices of memory sways its way into the waves of my soul - body. Good morning "Pari Louys" "Kind Light" in Armenian. I greet you kind light ...I need you "pari louys"...Dignity is the louys -Dignity in you...without it you are a Xerox copy.. bare .. defeated in the homogenization of our gloriously civilized world. To love to paint to dream to make money to eat healthy to dance to sing to think to say everything to say nothing to understand do you understand? What is understanding ...it has no senses...still yearning stands under. Love, the living moment of who you are...all the other senses can stream into the expression of some pulse. You earthly wind! you blew this colorful leave to my window...i recognize this golden leaf from the age of two... "
good day
I have been painting professionally for over thirty years, giving solo and group exhibits in America and Europe. Though it is difficult to characterize my own painting in a set phrase, I work in the neighborhood of expressionism; seeking to create an art that integrates intuitive and intellectual processes involved with the exploration, the expression, the celebration of life. I use oils, acrylics on linen, canvas, wood; gouache, ink, pencil, pastel, and acrylics on paper. Figures, portraits, eternal circular shapes enter into my works on paper , or on canvas, either in an abstracted frenzy or in a more relaxed way, depending on how the painting evolves. At times, my aim is to create an impact without figures, bringing the ghost of the painting out.